The global economy is beginning to pull out of a recession unprecedented in the post–World War II era, but stabilization is uneven and the recovery is expected to be sluggish, according to the IMF’s latest forecast.Economic growth during 2009-10 is now projected to be about ½ percentage points higher than forecast by the IMF in April, reaching 2.5 percent in 2010, according to the World Economic Outlook Update, published on July 8. Among the major economies, growth rates have been marked up mainly for the United States and Japan.“The good news is that the forces pulling the economy down are decreasing in intensity,” IMF Chief Economist Olivier Blanchard told a July 8 press briefing. “The bad news is that the forces pulling the economy up are still weak. The balance is slowly shifting, and this leads us to predict that, while the world economy is still in recession, the recovery is coming. But it is likely to be a weak recovery,” Blanchard said.The IMF also released a separate update to its Global Financial Stability Repor t(GFSR). Financial conditions have improved, as forceful policy intervention has reduced the risk of systemic collapse and expectations of economic recovery have risen. “The unprecedented policy response in both the financial and macroeconomic domains has reduced the risk of systemic collapse and begun to restore market confidence,” José Vinãls, Director of the IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department told the briefing. But many vulnerabilities remain and complacency must be avoided.Direto da página do FMI, o início de seu documento divulgado nesta data com as previsões para a economia mundial. Segundo ELES, em 2009 o Brasil terá uma queda de 1,3% no seu PIB e, para 2010, um aumento de 2,5%. Isso é quase igual ao previsto para a economia global: queda de 1,4% em 2009 e aumento de 2,5% em 2010. Como sempre, a confirmar. Afinal, PREVISÕES SÃO PREVISÕES. E nada mais.
quarta-feira, 8 de julho de 2009
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