Esta notícia eu li no blog Freakonomics, porém estou postando a matéria que saiu no blog da Economist. E a foto consegui diretamente no site da White House. Depois de oito anos sendo duramente criticado por Paul Krugman, como Bush consegue rir numa hora dessas? Estranho também eu não ter lido este assunto aqui nos jornais brasileiros. A foto foi tirada em 24/11/08 no Salão Oval.
SO, PERHAPS you recall that economist Paul Krugman recently won the Nobel Prize? Well, new Nobelists are afforded the honour of a meeting with the president, and at right, you can see Mr Krugman enjoying his day in the Oval Office. Why is this hilarious? Because Mr Krugman has a part-time job as a New York Times opinion columnist, a platform he's used to relentlessly skewer the Bush administration in the harshest of langauge for a decade now.
This is none of that inside-the-Beltway, knowing criticism, of the sort that can pass between men who will later share a drink at a Washington bar. It's a blistering, white hot rage. Not for nothing did pundits on the right call Mr Krugman's award an overtly political thing (conveniently, or ignorantly, misunderstanding his economic contributions).
But for all Mr Krugman's frustrations, he now gets to waltz into the White House to be congratulated on his Nobel by his chief antagonist, who now leaves the presidency in disgrace, his party in tatters.
So, like, what do you think they talked about?
Um comentário:
Depois de divulgar que o Nobel teve a ver com as críticas ao governo Bush, você acha que nossa impressa de extrema esquerda vai divulgar uma notícia dessa?
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