domingo, 15 de março de 2020

FED cuts rates to zero and launches massive $700 billion quantitative easing program.

CNN Brasil: O PIB fraco de 2019 deve se repetir em 2020?

O Globo: Morre Afonso Arinos de Melo Franco.

Folha: Liberalismo primitivo de Guedes não leva a crescimento, diz André Lara Resende.

Ibovespa perde R$ 500 bilhões em valor de mercado na semana.

sábado, 14 de março de 2020

UOL - Coronavírus: Dez coisas que você precisa saber para atravessar a pandemia.

O GLOBO: Domenico de Masi e o coronavírus.

El avance del coronavirus en tiempo real.

Clarín: Coronavirus - las teorías conspirativas sobre el origen de la pandemia enfrentan a China y a Estados Unidos.

FSP: Contra epidemia de coronavírus, Brasil precisa parar, afirmam especialistas.

quinta-feira, 12 de março de 2020

FT: US stocks fall 10% in worst day since 1987 crash.

Valor Investe - Pânico no mercado: o lado emocional das perdas na bolsa.

Bovespa despenca 14,78% e tem maior queda em quase 22 anos.

The Economist: The politics of pandemics.


This week’s issue is dominated by covid-19. The pandemic, as the World Health Organisation has officially declared it, is spreading fast, with almost 45,000 cases and nearly 1,500 deaths in 112 countries outside China. Our cover leader looks at how politicians are belatedly realising that, as health systems buckle and deaths mount, they will have to weather the storm. We examine how America, despite its wealth and the excellence of its medical science, has squandered its chance to prepare for the pandemic, and how China’s president, Xi Jinping, celebrated a precipitous fall in cases with a victory lap in Wuhan, where the disease first took hold. As markets tumble we explore the parallels with the financial crisis of 2007-09, the vulnerability of credit markets to a downturn and how past pandemics have scarred economies. We stress-test Britain’s National Health Service. We analyse Iran’s failure to contain the virus. We evaluate the quarantines in Italy, South Korea and China, and their feasibility in other countries. And we devote three pages to a portrait of the virus behind it all, SARS-CoV-2, and the drugs that might one day bring it to heel.

To read these stories visit, which features all of our coverage of the virus and its consequences. And look out for a special edition of this newsletter on Saturday.

Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-In-Chief

Covid-19: Um gráfico explica a pandemia.

A importância de debater o PIB nas eleições 2022.

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