terça-feira, 19 de março de 2019

Joint Statement from President Donald J. Trump and President Jair Bolsonaro.

Today, President Donald J. Trump and President Jair Messias Bolsonaro of Brazil committed to building a new partnership between their two countries focused on increasing prosperity, enhancing security, and promoting democracy, freedom, and national sovereignty.
President Trump and President Bolsonaro reiterated that the United States and Brazil stand with the Interim President of Venezuela Juan Guaido, along with the democratically elected National Assembly, and the Venezuelan people, as they work to peacefully restore constitutional order to Venezuela.
The two Presidents agreed to deepen their partnership through the United States-Brazil Security Forum to combat terrorism, narcotics and arms trafficking, cybercrimes, and money laundering, and they welcomed two new arrangements to enhance border security.  President Bolsonaro announced Brazil’s intent to exempt United States citizens from tourist visa requirements, and the Presidents agreed to take the steps necessary to enable Brazil to participate in the Department of Homeland Security’s Trusted Traveler Global Entry Program.
President Trump announced the United States’ intent to designate Brazil as a Major Non-NATO Ally.  The Presidents further welcomed the signing of a Technology Safeguards Agreement, which will enable United States companies to conduct commercial space launches from Brazil, as well as an agreement between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Brazilian Space Agency to launch a jointly developed satellite in the near future.
The two leaders agreed to build a Prosperity Partnership to increase jobs and reduce barriers to trade and investment.  To this end, they decided to enhance the work of the United States-Brazil Commission on Economic and Trade Relations, created under the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation, to explore new initiatives to facilitate trade investment and good regulatory practices.
The two leaders also made a number of trade-related commitments.  President Bolsonaro announced that Brazil will implement a tariff rate quota, allowing for the annual importation of 750 thousand tons of American wheat at zero rate.  In addition, the United States and Brazil agreed to science-based conditions to allow for the importation of United States pork.  In order to allow for the resumption of Brazil’s beef exports, the United States agreed to expeditiously schedule a technical visit by the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service to audit Brazil’s raw beef inspection system, as soon as it is satisfied with Brazil’s food safety documentation.  The Presidents instructed their teams to negotiate a Mutual Recognition Agreement concerning their Trusted Trader programs, which will reduce costs for American and Brazilian companies.
The two leaders announced a new phase of the United States-Brazil CEO Forum, and welcomed the creation of a $100 million Biodiversity Impact Investment Fund that will catalyze sustainable investment in the Amazon region.  As leaders of two of the fastest-growing energy suppliers in the world, the Presidents agreed to establish a United States-Brazil Energy Forum to facilitate energy-related trade and investment.
President Trump welcomed Brazil’s ongoing efforts regarding economic reforms, best practices, and a regulatory framework in line with the standards of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).  President Trump noted his support for Brazil initiating the accession procedure to become a full member of the OECD.  Commensurate with its status as a global leader, President Bolsonaro agreed that Brazil will begin to forgo special and differential treatment in World Trade Organization negotiations, in line with the United States proposal.  President Bolsonaro thanked President Trump and the American people for their hospitality.

quinta-feira, 14 de março de 2019

Washington: U.S. Department of The Treasury.

Time Out Index 2019 – Las 48 mejores ciudades del mundo,

Time Out Index 2019 – Las 48 mejores ciudades del mundo

1. Nueva York
2. Melbourne, Australia
3. Chicago, Illinois
4. Londres, Reino Unido
5. Los Ángeles, California
6. Montreal, Canadá
7. Berlín, Alemania
8. Glasgow, Escocia
9. París, Francia
10. Tokio, Japón
11. Madrid, España
12. Ciudad del Cabo, Sudáfrica
13. Las Vegas, Nevada
14. Ciudad de México, México
15. Manchester, Reino Unido
16. Filadelfia, Pennsylvania
17. Barcelona, ​​España
18. Buenos Aires, Argentina
19. Lisboa, Portugal
20. Washington DC

21. Tel Aviv, Israel
22. Mumbai, India
23. Toronto, Canadá
24. Birmingham, Reino Unido
25. Dublin, Irlanda
26. São Paulo, Brasil
27. Miami, Florida
28. Porto, Portugal
29. Singapur
30. Edimburgo, Escocia
31. San Francisco
32. Dubai, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
33. Munich, Alemania
34. Viena, Austria
35. Shanghai, China
36. Moscú, Rusia
37. Delhi, India
38. Seattle, Washington
39. Sydney, Australia
40. Abu Dhabi, Emiratos Arabes Unidos
41. Hong Kong
42. Boston, Massachusetts
43. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
44. Marsella, Francia
45. Bangkok, Tailandia
46. ​​Kuala Lumpur, Malasia
47. Beijing, China
48. Estambul, Turquía

quarta-feira, 13 de março de 2019

André Lara Resende escreve sobre a crise da macroeconomia.


Top World Airports by Passenger Traffic, 2017.

1 - Beijing Capital PEK 95,786,442
2 - Dubai Intl DXB 88,242,099 
3 - Tokyo Haneda HND 85,408,975
4 - London Heathrow LHR 78,014,598
5 - Hong Kong HKG 72,664,075
6 - Shanghai Pudong PVG 70,001,237
7 - Paris Charles de Gaulle CDG 69,471,442
8 - Amsterdam AMS 68,515,425
9 - Guangzhou CAN 65,887,473
10 - Franfurt - FRA 64,500,386

domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2019

Uece está entre as melhores universidades do mundo no ranking Webometrics.

Desde 2004, o Ranking Web of Universities é publicado duas vezes por ano, avaliando quase 30 mil Instituições de Ensino Superior em todo o mundo e, no primeiro resultado divulgado em 2019, a Uece está entre as 10% melhores instituições, considerando o cenário internacional. No Brasil, se mantém em 13º lugar entre as melhores universidades estaduais e a performance coloca a Estadual do Ceará entre as 5% mais bem colocadas da América Latina.

O objetivo do relatório é promover a presença acadêmica na Internet, apoiando as iniciativas de acesso aberto para aumentar a transferência de conhecimento científico e cultural gerado pelas universidades para a sociedade. No caso da Estadual do Ceará, essas publicações estão disponíveis nos sites dos Programas de Pós-Graduação e em outras páginas eletrônicas, tornando possível seu acesso livre por meio de buscas no Google.

O levantamento foi divulgado já neste 2019 e teve classificação do Conselho Superior de Investigações Científicas (CSIC), que é vinculado ao Ministério da Educação e Formação Profissional da Espanha. Para o chefe de gabinete da reitoria da Uece, Edmar Pereira, o reconhecimento é resultado da dedicação de todos os colaboradores que atuam no ensino superior público do Ceará. “Mais uma vez, a presença da Uece no ranking mostra a excelência alcançada por nossos pesquisadores, alunos e servidores, que fazem da nossa estadual a universidade de referência em diversas áreas do conhecimento”, avalia.

Quatro indicadores são levados em consideração no ranking, pelo Cybermetrics Lab, que pertence ao Conselho Superior de Pesquisas Científicas da Espanha, ligado ao governo espanhol e dedicado ao fomento da investigação científica e tecnológica: presença, visibilidade, transparência e excelência.

No caso da Presença (tamanho), considera o número de páginas do domínio principal da instituição. Incluídos todos os subdomínios que compartilham o domínio principal e todos os tipos de arquivos como documentos em PDF. Já o Impacto (visibilidade), avalia o número das redes externas (sub-redes) originando links para as páginas da instituição. Abertura (transparência) está relacionada ao número de citações e Excelência é o índice do número de artigos mais citados.


Insper: Como entender a reforma da Previdência em 2019.

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