We have received overwhelming interest from people about Dr. Nouriel Roubini’s new book, “Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance.”
As you may know, the book, co-authored by Stephen Mimh, was released last week in the United States and has been very favorably reviewed by the world’s leading financial and news sources, including The New York Times and the Financial Times.
“Instead of imposing a doctrinaire theory upon the facts, Mr. Roubini employs an eclectic, common-sense approach to history, picking à la carte from the thinking of such disparate economists as John Maynard Keynes and Joseph Schumpeter.” (The New York Times).
“... what Roubini and Mihm offer is a sober and sensible analysis of what has gone so badly wrong in finance in the past few years, coupled with a list of proposals about what could now be done to fix these woes. During a crisis, Roubini and Mihm argue, governments need to be “Keynesian” and spend plenty of taxpayers’ money to ward off disaster and prop up the financial system; after the crisis, however, non-Keynesian policies are needed, to apply free-market principles, and cut government debt.” (The Financial Times).
Because you have been a supporter of Roubini Global Economics in the past, we would like to give you access to the research team built by Dr. Roubini. If you are planning on purchasing Crisis Economics, we would like to offer you a 30 day license to roubini.com. You will be able to access the daily work prepared by Roubini’s team of analysts and strategists. Especially during this time of economic and financial disruption.
All you have to do is send us an email with a scanned or electric receipt showing that you have bought your copy of “Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance.” Please send your receipt, name, email, and phone to info@roubini.com for your 30 day license.
Michael Moran
VP, Executive Editor
Um comentário:
deve ser muito legal o livro, depois passe me as suas impressoes...
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